Pare stia per arrivare un aggeggio di cui parliamo da mesi, l’Apple iPhone.
The China Times said Thursday the device, which will merge traditional cellular capabilities with Apple’s legendary iPod digital music player technology, has been finalized and released to manufacturing. According to the report, Foxconn will begin delivering the phones to Apple out of its Fushikang manufacturing facility at run rate of 500,000 to 600,000 per month beginning in February.
La riflessione più simpatica? Questa:
You’ve surely heard about the iPhone concept design that recently surfaced and you’ve probably heard about the Foxconn Electronics iPhone order from Apple.
So would you buy one? Jason O’Grady over at ZDNet says he wouldn’t. So he’s running a poll over there to see who would and would not lay out the hard cash for an iPhone.
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