European Union telecommunications ministers are set Thursday to endorse price limits on cross-border text messaging and mobile Web surfing, according to a copy of the plan obtained by the International Herald Tribune. [via]

L’Herald Tribune anticipa quello che l’Unione Europea potrebbe decidere nei prossimi giorni:
costo massimo degli SMS verso i Paesi dell’Unione a 11 cent (oggi la media è 29 cent)
costo massimo di 1 euro per MB per il traffico dati roaming all’ingrosso (oggi la media è 3,6 €/MB).

Update: Reuters dà la conferma che i ministri UE accoglieranno la proposta della Reding. Critiche dalla GSM Association:
“In the current economic climate governments should be working to encourage investments. The biggest concern is extending the use of retail price regulation which is a very extreme step and could deter investment in new services,” an association spokesman said.