Archive for the ‘marketing’ Category

Mobike sbarca a Milano, tra dubbi e speranze

Dopo il lancio fiorentino delle scorse settimane (con qualche centinaio di bici, che dovrebbero diventare 4mila entro fine anno e 8mila nel 2018) e’ partito a Milano il servizio di Mobike, societa’ cinese da poco sbarcata nel Belpaese. Si tratta di un bike sharing free floating, ovvero a flusso libero dove non esistono punti fissi […]

Bots are the new influencers

We need to say it clear: in the post-Web 2.0 era (if you prefer, the industrial revolution 4.0) influencer marketing will likely be taken over by bots. Bold statement, right? Let’s have a look back in the past then… The testimonials era When the Internet was not even existing, marketing a service or a product […]

The virtual co-driver (finally)

A little story from my past, a big example on how smart ideas could spread much faster in small start-ups. Around 3 years ago, I was discussing with the team at FCA on what services we would have needed to make Uconnect even smarter and more useful to our drivers. We came up with many […]