Archive for the ‘Internet’ Category

Bots are the new influencers

We need to say it clear: in the post-Web 2.0 era (if you prefer, the industrial revolution 4.0) influencer marketing will likely be taken over by bots. Bold statement, right? Let’s have a look back in the past then… The testimonials era When the Internet was not even existing, marketing a service or a product […]

e-journals on planes? Great, if it works…

Paper is disappearing from planes, and providing e-media to customers is just great. But airlines must make sure everything works fine… I love the way some airlines are using digital across different touchpoints. Digital transformation means exactly this: using bits to disrupt product, process and… people. Flight on line search and booking, flight management (eg […]

Perché ho (quasi) smesso di acquistare su eBay

Machine learning e chatbot per contrastare i truffatori? Secondo me si può fare Oggi stavo valutando l’acquisto di un oggetto che costa normalmente 1000-1200 euro. L’ho trovato sui vari siti di eCommerce attorno ai 1000 euro. Poi ne ho trovati un paio venduti all’asta su eBay a 250 euro. Già, un quarto del prezzo medio. […]