Non so dove l’ho letta ma la frase mi è piaciuta e la riporto: “Se anche Google licenzia, allora la crisi è davvero arrivata”.

In effetti pare che Google abbia silenziosamente licenziato diecimila (10.000!) persone, senza fare troppo rumore. Come? Lo spiega Webguild:
By law, Google is required to report layoffs publicly and with the SEC however, Google has managed to get around the legal requirement. In fact, one of the ways Google was able to meet Wall Street’s Q3 earnings expectations was by trimming “operational” expenses. Google reports to the SEC that it has 20,123 employees but in reality it has 30,000. Why the discrepancy? Google classifies 10,000 of the employees as temporary operational expenses or “workers”. Google co-founder Sergey Brin said, “There is no question that the number (of workers) is too high”.

In sostanza Google avrebbe dichiarato 10mila persone alla voce “spese operative temporanee”, senza necessità di dichiarare licenziamenti. Due i vantaggi immediati di questa tecnica, avere personale a tempo pieno senza doverne sopportare i costi (assicurazione, stock options, ecc) e apparire più snella agli occhi degli investitori in Borsa:
1) Hire full time employees without full time benefits. The classification enables Google to pay them above minimum wage, provide no health benefits, no insurance coverage, no stock options, and no offer of permanent employment.
2) By under-reporting actual employee headcount, Google looks good to Wall Street.

Ma come fa Google a by-passare la SEC, a cui dovrebbe fornire tutte le notizie?
Google has hundreds of lawyers figuring out how not to get caught. One of them is by moving workers from job to job every few months so that their status remains temporary. That is why you probably have never spoken to the same person twice at Google and that is also why there is somebody new on the job and most times you know more about their job than they do.
In sostanza basterebbe fare job rotation per by-passare i controlli della SEC.

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