Non è un compleanno facile, quello di Skype: dopo il black-out globale dei giorni scorsi (su cui si sa ancora poco, nonostante i tentativi dell’azienda di chiarire), è ora la volta di un worm che colpisce gli utenti Skype con MS Windows.

A spiegarlo il blog ufficiale:

The new week has started with a bang. And not the kind of bang we like.
Skype has learned that a computer virus called “w32/Ramex.A” is affecting users of Skype for Windows. Users whose computers are infected with this virus will send a chat message to other Skype users asking them to click on a web link that can infect the computer of the person who receives the message.
Please note that Skype users ONLY become infected after they have downloaded the link and run the malicious software. The chat message, of which there are several versions, is cleverly written and may appear to be a legitimate chat message, which may fool some users into clicking on the link.

Un worm che infetta il Pc e ionizia a mandare ad altri utenti Skype via chat un messaggio contenente un link. Link che a sua volta infetta il Pc del destinatario, se quest’ultimo ‘fa girare’ il software. Nessun problema per chi usa antivirus aggiornati di F-Secure, Kaspersky Lab e Symantec. A proposito, il worm è chiamato W32/Skipi.A. da F-Secure e W32.Pykspa.D da Simantec.

Per chi vuole rimuovere manualmente il worm:

Restart the PC in safe mode
Run regedit
Go to HKLM/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/runonce find entry with mshtmldat32.exe. Delete this entry.
Go to Windows\System32 directory and delete following files: wndrivs32.exe, mshtmldat32.exe, winlgcvers.exe, sdrivew32.exe
Go to windows/system32/drivers/etc
Find file hosts
Open it with notepad, ctrl+a and delete all entries (this will resume your antivirus updates), save, close.
Restart the PC.

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