Stamattina ero al Politecnico di Milano per un incontro informale sul mondo della New Tv. Si ragionava di come anche la più banale delle operazioni, ad esempio la definizione di cosa sia la televisione, possa diventare impossibile o comunque difficile a causa delle nuove tecnologie.

Poi oggi pomeriggio ho letto il sempre interessante Telco 2.0 e ho trovato un articolo sui nuovi modelli di business nel mondo delle telco.

E poi ho sempre in mente le parole di Stefano sul “cambio di sesso” degli operatori tlc.

Applying this Framework to Telecoms business models
For each of the 9 component parts of the business model framework we need to consider a set of telecoms-specific questions to help form a view of
a.) the markets we might wish tackle and
b.) the way we might tackle them. Here are examples of the questions, none of which are black or white:
* Capabilities: A key question revolves around network technology, eg. HSDPA or WiMAX?* Supply Chain: Open-source IT tools or NEP-centric telco solutions?
* Partners: Open Platform or Controlled ecosystem?
* Cost Model: Optimise costs (eg. more efficient call centres) or Eliminate costs (web service only)?
* Value Proposition: Traditional comms or Original/Differentiated (see our ‘Blue Ocean’ example
* Customer Relationships: Personal (eg. SK Telecom asking customers to submit new feature ideas) or Impersonal (eg. pre-pay).
* Customer Segments: Should we going macro or micro? Broad market appeal or Niche?
* Revenues: Upstream (eg. advertisers) or downstream (consumers/business)?
* Distribution Channels: Centralised or distributed?

In attesa del prossimo post di Telco 2.0, mi piace molto questo quote:
In the meantime, let’s end with a quote from Mr Christiansen again:
“Skate to where the money will be, not where it is now”

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